Iranian Judiciary Chief Calls for High Turnout in Upcoming Polls

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani underlined the importance of massive turnout in this week’s elections for preserving the country’s national security, calling on all Iranians to show up in polling stations and cast their ballots on Friday.

Speaking at a meeting with high-ranking officials of the judiciary in Tehran on Monday, Ayatollah Amoli Larijani described the forthcoming elections as the most important issue of the country and said elections in the Islamic Republic symbolize “the country’s solidarity, freedom, national trust, might, and security”.

Therefore, elections are considered a landmark issue for the people and Establishment, he said, adding that massive presence of the Iranian people in the polls would further strengthen the country’s national security and power in the face of plots hatched by the enemies.

The judiciary chief called on all Iranians to once again disappoint the enemies of the Islamic Republic by taking part in the elections.

Iran’s presidential vote is scheduled to be held this Friday.

Iranians will also cast their votes in the 5th City and Village Councils elections on the same day.

According to Ali Asghar Ahmadi, the head of the Interior Ministry’s State Elections Committee, a total of 56,410,234 Iranians can cast their ballots in the polls this year.

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