Presidential Candidate Aqa-Mirsalim Casts Ballot in Tehran (+Photo)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Mostafa Aqa-Mirsalim, a candidate running for Iran’s 12th presidential election, attended a polling station in Tehran on Friday morning, casting his vote.

Aqa-Mirsalim, a principlist, is among the four candidates seeking the presidency in the polls, including incumbent President Hassan Rouhani, Ebrahim Raisi, and Mostafa Hashemitaba.

Two other hopefuls, First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, had dropped out of the race in favor of Rouhani and Raisi, respectively.

A run-off would be held a week later if none of the candidates wins a majority, which is at least 50 percent plus one vote.

The vote counts are going to be made public in a gradual process upon closure of the polls tonight.

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