Hezbollah Says ‘Arab Islamic American Summit’ Sign of Resistance Front’s Victory

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior official at the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Hezbollah slammed an upcoming summit meeting between the US and a number of Arab states in Riyadh, describing the event as an indication of the Resistance Front’s victory across the region.

The so-called “Arab Islamic American Summit”, scheduled to be held in the Saudi capital, shows that Washington and its allies have failed to achieve their goals, the head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Seyed Hashem Safieddine, said in a statement, Lebanese media reported on Sunday.

He added that holding such a summit also demonstrates the Resistance Axis’ upper-hand over Takfiri militants and their regional and foreign backers all across the region.

The remarks by the senior Hezbollah official came after US President Donald Trump arrived in Riyadh on Saturday morning on the first leg of a nine-day overseas tour.

Saying that the situation in the region will continue to get worse and worse for the US and its allies following the summit, Safieddine emphasized that enemies would not be able to strike fear into Hezbollah and the Resistance Front.

The US can no longer afford to formulate schemes for Iraq, Syria, Palestine and the entire region, let alone lead Iran into a cul-de-sac and eliminate Hezbollah, he added.

Trump is scheduled to outline his vision for US-Muslim relations to an audience of more than 50 leaders of Muslim countries attending the "Arab Islamic American Summit” on Sunday.

During his speech, however, he is expected to hail the Saudi government as a strong Muslim ally and a partner in the fight against extremism.

This reeks of hypocrisy as the Saudi-backed clerics openly preach and practice Wahhabism, a radical ideology that inspires terrorists around the world. Daesh (ISIL) and other terrorist groups take advantage of Wahhabism to declare people of other faiths "infidels," a justification for their execution.

Trump will make stops next week in the Occupied Palestine and in Italy.