Iranians Show Companionship with Establishment, Velayati Says after High Turnout in Election

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Strategic Research Center of Iran's Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati praised the country’s people for their massive participation in Friday elections and said the nation proved its companionship with the Islamic Republic.

In a recent post on his Instagram page, Velayati offered his congratulations to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on his re-election and the high turnout in the 12th presidential elections held on Friday.

“Once again, the noble and great nation of Iran, like all the glorious days after the victory of the Islamic Revolution (in 1979), turned another shining page of the golden history of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he noted.

The Iranian people demonstrated their unity and their companionship with the religious democracy in the Islamic Republic, Velayati added.

Iranians turned out in their millions to vote in the presidential elections as soon as the polling stations opened on Friday.

Incumbent President Hassan Rouhani emerged victorious and secured a second term by winning 57 percent of the votes.

More than 56,400,000 Iranian people were eligible to vote. With the participation of more than 41 million voters, the turnout stood at 73 percent.

Concurrently, the 5th City and Village Councils elections were held across the country.