Iran’s Shamkhani Holds Talks with Pakistani, Turkish, S African Security Officials

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani held meetings with his Pakistani, Turkish and South African counterparts in Moscow.

Shamkhani, who is in the Russian capital of Moscow, on Wednesday met with Naseer Khan Janjua, Adviser to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on National Security.

He also held separate talks with his Turkish and North African officials.

They discussed the latest developments across the globe, the region in particular.

The meetings took place on the sidelines of the 8th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues underway in Moscow.

Security officials from 95 countries around the world have gathered in Moscow for the 3-day conference to coordinate efforts in ensuring cyber security, addressing the regional and international threats, and countering the issues leading to crises.