Iranian Garden: A Tourist Attraction in Capital

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian garden with an area of about 3 hectares is based on the Persian garden patterns and is now one of Tehran’s attractions.

The Iranian garden is situated in one of the old neighborhoods of Tehran known as “Deh Vanak” where you can walk to recall Tehran in the old days. Old buildings and home gardens would remind you of the comfort and refinement of people residing in old locals in the past.

Nearby there is an old and restored garden which has used Persian traditional architecture called Iranian garden.

2.5 hectares of the garden were allocated to green space. It has preserved its old texture with old trees and plant species like new leaves, bay leaf, Shir Khesht, Mord, Pyracantha, various roses, eglantines and the seasonal and perennial bushes were also added.

It has beautiful flowers along with tall trees where you can sit down on benches to enjoy the beauty.

Central Pavilion, main roads in the garden, Chenarestan and Sarvestan, and Nazargah that includes the fountains along the way and 6 separated fountains scattered in the garden, the public library with space allocated for girls and boys, the western, eastern entrance, playground, outdoor sports fields with equipment for adults, bathrooms, locker rooms and an eastern restroom equipped with toilets for the disabled, and a place for prayers.

One of its important features is there are pavements which has made it easy for the disabled to move. It has 2 main beautiful entrance doors in the east and west and 2 others in the south and southwest of the garden.

Source: Rasekhoon