Iran Summons Swiss Diplomat to Protest Tillerson’s Unwise Remarks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned the Swiss charge d’affaires to Tehran to protest at the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent remarks against the Islamic Republic.

Swiss envoy represents the US interests in Tehran.

The Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said that at the meeting, Director General for the Americas at Iran’s Foreign Ministry Mohammad Keshavarz-zadeh, submitted Iran’s strongly-worded official letter of protest to the Swiss envoy.

Keshavarz-zadeh deplored Tillerson’s anti Iran remarks as “unwise and clear meddling in Iran’s internal affairs,” Qassemi added.

Qassemi said the Iranian official also said the remarks were against the principles of international law and commitments of the US administration, including the United Nations Charter.

In comments at the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, Tillerson had announced that US policy is driven by relying on “elements inside of Iran” to bring about “peaceful transition of that government.”

In reply, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif derided as “delusional” the US rhetoric of regime change in Iran, recommending his American counterpart to worry more about saving the US regime than pushing for a change in Iran.

“Before reverting to unlawful & delusional regime-change policy towards Iran, US administration should study and learn from history,” Zarif said on his official twitter account on Friday.