Kremlin Unaware of 'Tillerson Plan' on Ties with Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Kremlin is unaware of a plan reportedly prepared by US State Secretary Rex Tillerson on relations with Russia, Kremlin spokesman said Tuesday.

The Kremlin is unaware of a classified document that US State Secretary Rex Tillerson had prepared a three-point framework for future US-Russia relations, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

On Monday, the Buzzfeed portal reported citing a classified document that Tillerson had prepared a three-point framework for future US-Russia relations.

The points reportedly include conveying to Russia that aggressive actions against the United States are counterproductive, engagement on issues that are of strategic interest to the United States, such as Syria and North Korea, and emphasis on the importance of "strategic stability" with Russia, Sputnik reported.

"As far as the Tillerson plan, which we do not know about by the media do, then I suppose it is better to ask our colleagues from the foreign ministry," Peskov told reporters.