Iran’s President: Quds Day Rallies Signify Hatred of Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the massive demonstrations on the International Quds Day as an indication of hatred for the Zionist regime of Israel and of support for the oppressed Palestinians.

“The people’s message on the Quds Day is aversion to the occupying and usurping Zionist regime and the message of support for a great, oppressed nation in the history, which has been persecuted for 70 years,” President Rouhani told reporters on Friday, as he was marching in demonstrations marking the International Quds Days in Tehran.

He also noted that this year’s rallies are of greater significance, because Iran is fighting off the terrorists in the region who benefit from the backing of Zionists.

The president noted that the demonstrations also signal a message to the US, which has been always devising plots to violate the rights of Iranians.

The Iranian administration will decisively respond to the measures the US Congress is taking against the Iranian nation, he underlined.

Last week, the US Senate passed a bill that would step up sanctions against Iran over its ballistic missile program and alleged support for terrorism.

Iranian officials have pledged to take reciprocal measures in retaliation to the bill.