Iran Condemns Chopper Attack on Venezuela Government Buildings

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned a helicopter attack on Venezuela's Supreme Court and Interior Ministry buildings, and described peaceful dialogue between the Caracas government and the opposition without foreign interference as the best way for settling disputes.

In comments on Thursday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the Tuesday’s aerial attack on government buildings in Caracas, saying such “illegal and violent” moves against the Latin American nation’s administrative and legitimate organizations would only complicate the situation.

He also warned that such armed attacks will obstruct the process of settlement of tensions through peaceful negotiations.

Iran calls on the Venezuelan government and the opposition to keep calm and respect the rule of law, Qassemi noted, adding, “Refraining from violence and exercising dialogue in a calm atmosphere without foreign interference is the best approach to resolving the differences and would serve the interests of all people of Venezuela.”

On Tuesday, a helicopter allegedly piloted by Oscar Perez, an officer in Venezuela’s investigative police force, strafed the Supreme Court building and the Interior Ministry in Caracas. Attackers fired gunshots and lobbed grenades.

The assault was a dramatic escalation of the months-long crisis engulfing the government of President Nicolas Maduro, who has called the helicopter attack a "terrorist" incident.

Venezuela is in the midst of a political and economic crisis that has sparked mass protests.