Interpol Eager to Use Iran’s Experience in Tackling Terrorism, Drugs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of the International Police Organization (INTERPOL) Jurgen Stock voiced the intergovernmental organization’s willingness to take advantage of the “precious experience” Iran has gained in the fight against terrorism and narcotics trafficking.

In a meeting with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi in Tehran on Monday, Stock praised Iran for playing a major role in the fight against the international crimes.

He also hailed the close cooperation between his organization and Iran in battling terrorism and narcotics trafficking, expressing the Interpol’s enthusiasm for using Iran’s precious experiences.

For his part, Araqchi said the Iranian Foreign Ministry is ready to contribute to the enhancement of cooperation with the Interpol.

Iran is at the forefront of the fight against two global threats, namely terrorism and drug trafficking, he added, stressing that combatting those threats requires international cooperation and concerted action.

Stock is in Iran for the 13th working group meeting of the Interpol under the framework of Project Kalkan.

Counter-terrorism experts from 29 countries have attended the meeting to discuss the ways to strengthen regional and international cooperation in the fight against foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs).