Daesh Caliphate Collapses, Takfirism Ideology Remains A Threat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Daesh's self-proclaimed caliphate collapsed this week as the terrorist group has lost most of its power, influence and occupied territories but Takfirism ideology still remains to be serious danger to the global security.

Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on July 10, formally declared victory over Daesh in the northern city of Mosul, saying their defeat marks the "collapse" of the self-proclaimed caliphate.

Daesh has not only lost most parts of its territory in Iraq but also it is in decline in Syria and other parts of the world.

In Syria, Daesh was defeated in the battle with Syrian Army and its allies in December 2016 when it lost control over East Aleppo and now the terrorist group which is also known as ISIL or ISIS is missing its last stronghold of Raqqa.

While the US-backed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a mixed group of Kurdish and Arab fighters, have recently encircled Raqqa and have entered deep inside part of the city, Syrian Army has also liberated some western and southern neighborhoods of former Daesh capital.

Syrian Army and their allies are now combating Daesh elements in every corner of the country including Deir ez-zor.

Other terrorist groups including Tahrir al-Sham, led by al-Qaeda's former arm in Syria, Jabhat Fateh al-sham, also known as the the Nusra Front do not have better conditions as they are splitting and fighting with each other across Syria.

Takfiris’ safe zones in other parts of the world including Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon are also under fire from rival groups or the country’s armies.


Meantime, the political efforts on ending crisis in Syria are going to bear fruits. In the latest development the fifth round of Syria talks, held in the Kazak capital of Astana on July 4-5, are assumed to be a major step forward for resolving the ongoing crisis in the war-torn Arab country despite trivial differences among participants.

Participants of this round of talks on Syria could not reach consensus on details of specific zones and participating forces. There was no agreement but the process helped all sides to come closer.

Later, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin reached an agreement at the G20 meeting Friday in Germany to curb violence in southwest Syria by establishing de-escalation zones in the region.

Meantime, ongoing rift among regional states known for their support for Takfiri (extremist) groups in the region including the discord among Qatar and Turkey in one side and Saudi Arabia and its allies among the Persian Gulf Littoral States on the other side has also weakened the Takfiri front.

Today, Takfiri supporters are accusing each other of supporting terrorism and Riyadh has besieged Qatar under the pretext of what he calls support for terrorism.

Despite collapse of Takfiri terrorists’ military power, the ideology of Takfirism is alive since many schools, governed by Saudi Arabia around the Islamic World, are still promoting the ideology.

Better to say, while Takfirism is alive and is propagated by Saudi rulers and its allies, the inauspicious thought is still a danger to global security. May be it is ending in Syria or Iraq but it can explode other regions. The next target is a matter of wait and see.