Trump Supporters, Opponents Face Off at Competing Rallies in Hollywood

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - At least two people were arrested Saturday afternoon during dueling rallies staged in Hollywood by supporters and detractors of President Trump.

The arrests stemmed from a scuffle among competing demonstrators outside the busy Hollywood and Highland shopping complex, police said.

An anti-Trump protester who received a minor laceration during the skirmish was given medical aid from a rival demonstrator.

Despite a lot of shouting and name calling, the demonstrations remained mostly peaceful and without incident.

Trump supporter Anna King, 38, a medical assistant from Cerritos, and her friends brought along a large American flag. “I think we should all come together as a country and support our president,” she said.

This was the second time that Trump supporters and detractors have faced off along Hollywood Boulevard. In March, dozens of activists on both sides rallied. Tensions were high, but the demonstrations were relatively peaceful, ending with at least two arrests, Los Angeles Times reported.

On Saturday, Trump supporters began gathering about 1 p.m. near Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star in front of the shopping center. Nearly two hours later, an anti-Trump rally and March started at the same location. Police officers on bicycles and horses were forced to shut down a portion of Hollywood Boulevard.

The groups were separated after the skirmish, with the officers standing between the two sides. Tourists watched as Trump supporters waved American flags and chanted “America first!” while counter demonstrators carried signs that said “No! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”

Los Angeles police Sgt. Neil Wank said that one man was arrested on suspicion of battery. The victim, who identified himself only as Gray wolf, 72, said he was punched in the face by “a disgruntled Trump supporter.”

“He shoved a bullhorn in my face,” he said. “I pushed him back and he decided that was enough provocation to hit me in the face. He was promptly arrested, and I will be filing charges on this guy.”

At one point, about 100 anti-Trump protesters marched down Hollywood Boulevard to Vine Street, then onto Sunset Boulevard, up Cahuenga Boulevard and finally back onto Hollywood Boulevard. They were trailed by about two dozen Trump supporters.

In October, a man damaged Trump’s star with a sledgehammer. In June, the star was covered with stickers during the LA Pride Resist March.

The anti-Trump protest, one of several taking place around the country Saturday, is being organized by Refuse Fascism. Dozens of people were expected to participate in the rally, according to organizers.

“The Trump/Pence Regime daily escalates its fascist attacks on immigrants and Muslims, on healthcare and the poor, on Black and Brown people, on women and LGBTQ folks, on the media, on the environment, on the right to protest, on the truth,” the organizers stated on their Facebook account.

Similar protests were scheduled in at least 15 other US cities, according to organizers.