Iran: Regional, Int’l Consensus Needed to Root Out Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Iranian defense minister called for a united regional and international front to combat terrorism and its sponsors, and said to that end Tehran is supporting Iraq in war on terrorism.

Speaking at a meeting with visiting Iraqi Defense Minister Erfan al-Hiyali in Tehran on Saturday, Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan deplored some regional countries’ support for terrorism and their complicity with the US and the Zionist regime of Israel for creating insecurity in the region.

“A regional and global consensus should be shaped against terrorism and its sponsors and then we can be hopeful about the eradication of terrorism,” he added.

“To that end” Dehqan said “Iran is cooperating with the Iraqi nation and government and will continued to do that and we will use all of our political, economic and military capabilities for restoring security and sustainable stability in a powerful Iraq.”

He further hailed the recent achievements made by the Iraqi armed forces in the fight against terrorism and the full liberation of the northern city of Mosul from the grip of the Daesh (also known as ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group and said such a victory was the outcome of bravery, unity and coherence among Iraqis of all ethnicities and faiths.

The Iranian minister at the same time noted that national unity and integrity in Iraq would guarantee stability, security and interests of all ethnic groups.

Dehqan further said his country will not accept any divisive move in the neighboring country.

The Iraqi defense minister, for his part, said Tehran and Baghdad have common views, objectives and interests, which would prepare the ground for the expansion of relations.

Hiyali then lauded the support provided by Iran for the Iraqi government, nation and the armed forces and called for the further development of defense and military cooperation with the Islamic Republic.