Kremlin Highlights Contradictions in White House’s Statements on US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - There are some contradictions in the statements on the US sanctions against Russia that the White House has been making, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

When commenting on US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s statement in which he said that neither he nor US President Donald Trump were happy about the action by the US Congress to put new sanctions in place, Peskov said, "We see some contradictions in the statements that the White House has been making."

The US Secretary of State said earlier that the US can't let the sanctions "take us off track of trying to restore the relationship."

US Vice President Michael Pence also stated that Trump supported new sanctions and intended to sign the bill passed by the Congress, TASS news agency reported.

The Kremlin spokesman noted that taking into account the current state of Russian-US relations and the upcoming meeting between the two countries’ top diplomats, expected to be held on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Manila, there were no plans for a new meeting between Putin and Trump.