Execution of Palestinians Not to Stop Intifada: Islamic Jihad

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement warned Israel that it cannot put an end to Intifada (Palestinian uprising) by executing prisoners involved in attacks against the Tel Aviv regime.

Sheikh Nafez Azzam slammed a new bill drafted by Israeli Likud Party that supports the death penalty for Palestinian prisoners who are allegedly involved in anti-occupation attacks as a “dangerous” bill.

He said the bill had been raised in the Israeli Knesset previously but was not approved due to the Zionist regime’s fear of Palestinians’ reaction.

The Palestinian official said that recently, the bill has been drafted in a new form, adding that it is unlikely that it will be approved.

In any case, Sheikh Azzam emphasized, such legislations can never stop the Palestinian Intifada against the Zionist enemy.

The Likud Party plan to submit the new bill in Knesset soon, Israeli media sources said.

According to the sources, the bill came under the garb of "anti-terrorism measures."

Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Army Minister Avigdor Lieberman urged Israeli military courts to seek the death penalty for anti-occupation youths.