Spain's Far-Right Group Targets Granada Mosque after Barcelona, Cambrils Attacks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A Spanish far-right group attacked a mosque in the Andalusian city of Granada in the wake of recent terror attacks in Barcelona's central Las Ramblas area and coastal town of Cambrils, media reported.

Members of the far-right group used smoke grenades and shouted xenophobic slogans, accusing Muslims of terrorism and ties with the Daesh (also known as ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group, the Europa Press news agency reported on Saturday. The group was eventually dispersed by police forces.

Similarly, Seville Mosque Foundation’s center was attacked with anti-Muslim graffiti, Sputnik reported.

Meanwhile, the authorities of Catalonia urged the public on Sunday against regarding the whole local Muslim community as criminal in the wake of the attacks. On Saturday, dozens of Muslims living in Barcelona went out on Las Ramblas street in order to express their protest against deadly terrorist attacks.

On Thursday, a van hit pedestrians in the center of Barcelona, killing over a dozen and injuring over 130 others. Hours after the incident, another vehicle attack took place in Catalonia's southern town of Cambrils. In the attack, a police officer and six civilians were injured and at least one of them died later. The responsibility for the van attack in Barcelona was reportedly claimed by the Daesh.