Commander Underlines Iranian Navy’s Mighty Presence in High Seas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Navy has maintained its powerful presence in international waters, carrying out overseas naval missions for nearly nine years, commander of the force stressed.

Iran has proved its mighty naval presence in the high seas over the past nine years, while many believed that such presence would be temporary, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said in a military ceremony in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Saturday morning, held in salute to the 47th flotilla that returned home after an overseas mission.

Highlighting the Navy’s self-sufficiency in manufacturing various equipment, the commander said his forces are capable of carrying out any operation in any part of the world.

He added that Iranian naval forces are monitoring all movements by regional and trans-regional naval vessels in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, noting that the Navy has saved more than 4,000 trade vessels across the unsafe waters of the Gulf of Aden and north of the Indian Ocean.

In comments in June, Rear Admiral Sayyari blamed the Gulf of Aden littoral states for making deliberate attempts to disrupt the presence of Iranian naval flotillas in high seas, noting, however, that Iranian forces continue to sail wherever international law allows regardless of antagonistic moves.

According to the commander, the Iranian flotillas pursue two main objectives in their overseas missions: ensuring security of shipping routes and foiling Iranophobia attempts.

In recent years, Iran’s naval forces have increased their presence in high seas to secure naval routes and protect merchant vessels and oil tankers against pirates.