US Gov’t, Saudi Regime Hiding Truth about 9/11: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst said both the US government and its ally Saudi Arabia are “hiding information” about the financing of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

“The claims made in the NY Post article are consistent with a considerable body of facts associating the Saudi government with Osama bin Laden in particular and al-Qaeda in general. The available circumstantial evidence that members of the Saudi government funded bin Laden and the 9-11 attacks in the USA is sufficient such that reasonable doubt has been erased. Both the US and Saudi governments are hiding information about the financing of the terrorist attacks,” Dr. Mark Mason from California told the Tasnim News Agency on the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Dr. Mason offers analyses of United States domestic and foreign policies for the international news media. He was trained as a biological anthropologist educated at the University of California, Berkeley. Mason has appeared on Al-Etejah TV, Russia Today, Voice of Russia radio, as well as on Life News Russia, AcTVism Munich News, Nuestra Tele Noticias NTN24 Colombia, The Real News Network, and Radio 786 Capetown, South Africa, and KQED Forum in San Francisco, California.

Following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: As you know, the New York Post recently published a report saying that “fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers and plotters.” Now, the report proves that the Saudi government itself was directly involved in funding the attacks. What is your take on the role of the Saudi regime in the terror attacks?

Mason: The claims made in the NY Post article are consistent with a considerable body of facts associating the Saudi government with Osama bin Laden in particular and al-Qaeda in general. The available circumstantial evidence that members of the Saudi government funded bin Laden and the 9-11 attacks in the USA is sufficient such that reasonable doubt has been erased. Both the US and Saudi governments are hiding information about the financing of the terrorist attacks. In addition to 28 pages from the US Congressional report on 9-11 that were withheld from the public, the US government possesses additional documentation that has also been withheld. Furthermore, CIA requests for copies of the bank records of bin Laden were refused by the Saudi government. The funding for these attacks did not come from Mars, and thus the current evidence points to funding from within the Saudi family, although other, additional sources outside Saudi Arabia, should not be ruled out. It is reasonable to expect that the Saudis associated with these attacks would conduct field tests on actual US airline flights as claimed in the NY Post.

Tasnim: US authorities are fully aware of the role of the kingdom in the attack, but nobody in the US government or Senate dares to speak out and tell the truth to the public, the victims of the 9/11 and the world. Why is that so?

Mason: Although Senator Bob Graham and others publicly called upon the Obama administration to release the 28 pages redacted from the US 9-11 report, no such action has been taken. For the US government to acknowledge whatever role the Saudi government had in the funding of the 9-11 attacks would create global and domestic discomfort for the US government. US administrations talk endlessly about terrorism but do not care much about terrorists, or its victims, domestic or foreign. The US is more concerned about maintaining comfortable relations with the Saudi government than it is concerned about the victims of the 9-11 attacks, notwithstanding that most were US citizens. The US simply does not care about the fate of American citizens. This attitude of indifference to human suffering has a long history. The US is the only major industrialized country on Earth that does not have a free national healthcare program. This neglect results in the early deaths of tens of thousands of people each year. If the US government does not care if citizens die of easily-preventable medical conditions, it surely does not care what happens to them as victims of terrorism. Thus, the US government would rather avoid the embarrassment of revealing Saudi responsibility, than to take action in accordance with bringing justice to the victims of Saudi-funded terrorism. Keep in mind that the US is the biggest terrorist organization on the planet. As long as the Saudi government aids Washington in its quest to control Middle Eastern oil, the US will remain silent about Saudi crimes. It’s a bargain between empire and client state; big criminal and little criminal.

Tasnim: There still exists an almost complete blackout in mainstream media of the voluminous forensic evidence that demands an immediate and independent new investigation of that determining day. Why?

Mason: The US corporate media function as crude propaganda outlets for US imperial adventures. The US media rarely criticize or investigate anything related to the US government. That’s not an exaggeration. The US engages in global mischief, committing war crimes, political assassinations, and funding Central American death squads, among many other nefarious activities. In response, US corporate media do little more than retyping press releases from the White House. This is standard practice and thus we should not be surprised that the media ignores 9-11. I suspect a new investigation is not necessary. The US government possesses extensive documentation on this matter that it has not released. In the interest of brevity, allow me to state that journalists hired by the US corporate mass media are selected for their ability to write elegant prose without saying anything that might disturb the powerful corporations that purchase the advertisements that pay the salaries of these journalists. The paychecks come from Wall Street banks, oil companies, and other powerful interests which do not want to read news articles or view TV segments, that disrupt their breakfast coffee. The investors and managers of Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, and JPMorgan Chase bank would be greatly annoyed by news reporting that consisted of straight answers to thoughtful questions relevant to 9-11 terrorist attack funding.