Iran Signs MoU to Repair Syria’s Power Grid

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Syria to repair the Arab country’s power grid, a report said.

The agreement was signed on Tuesday during a visit by Syria’s electricity minister to Tehran, SANA news agency reported.

According to the terms of the deal, Iran will build a power plant in Syria’s coastal province Latakia with a capacity of 540 megawatts.

The agreement involves restoring the main control center for Syria’s electricity grid in the capital Damascus, the report added.

The agreement also includes rehabilitating a 90-megawatt power station in Deir ez-Zor province, where the Syrian army and allied forces have made swift advances against Daesh (ISIL) terrorists in recent days.

“The Syrian government ... is working relentlessly to restore the power system,” SANA cited Syrian Electricity Minister Mohammad Zuhair Kharboutli as saying.

“Iranian companies will have a role in rebuilding Syria.”

Two contracts were also signed, including for Iran to supply power to Aleppo city, which the Syrian military and its allies fully regained last year in a major blow to militants.

Iranian firms are already involved in a series of electricity generation projects in Syria. Iran aims to export electricity and create the biggest power network in the Islamic world by hooking up Iran’s national grid with those of Iraq and Lebanon.

Iran in August exported $58 million worth of goods to Syria in the first four months of this year, marking a 100 percent increase compared with the same period a year ago.