Maduro Calls Trump 'New Hitler' after His Remarks about Venezuela in UN Speech

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has described US President Donald Trump as new Hitler in international politics.

He made a statement to this effect on Venezuela’s national television on Tuesday from the presidential palace Miraflores in Caracas, the EFE news agency reports.

"The magnate thinks he is the owner of the world," said Mr. Maduro.

"He shows this with his own actions in international politics, he is acting as new Hitler," Maduro said, TASS news agency reported.

In his opinion the US president is conducting an aggressive policy against the people of Venezuela from the position of "racial and imperial supremacy," but "nobody will ever be able to intimidate Venezuela."

Maduro said that despite the US leader’s promises to take new sanctions against Venezuela’s government which he regards as "authoritarian" he will remain at the helm of his country.

"Donald Trump, here is our reply: you can swallow your words brimming with hatred and war threats. He (Trump) will sink into oblivion, while the Bolivarian revolution (in Venezuela) will remain forever," Maduro said. Venezuela’s leader said he regarded Trump’s statement as a threat of his physical extermination.

"I know the correct and precise way of interpreting the threat Trump has just voiced, and I wish to tell the people: Donald Trump has uttered death threats towards the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," Maduro said.

Speaking in the general political debate at the UN General Assembly session Trump said that the situation in Venezuela looked unacceptable to him and described the country’s socialist system as inefficient and one of the main causes of the worsening situation.

He called for "restoring democracy" in Venezuela and threatened to build upon the US sweeping economic sanctions if the Venezuelan government "persists on a path to impose authoritarian rule."