Jordanians Continue Protests against Gas Deal with Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Jordanian protesters, once again, took to the streets of Amman to voice their outrage over moves to normalize ties between the Muslim country and Israel and called for the cancellation of a gas deal with the Zionist regime.

Dozens of Jordanians participated in the demonstration held in the capital on Friday to urge the Arab country’s government to withdraw from the notorious gas deal it struck with the Tel Aviv regime in September 2016.

The protesters chanted “from south to north, the enemy’s gas is occupation,” and “raise your voice from Amman: we don’t want the Zionist entity’s gas, even if they gave it to us for free.”

The march was part of a series of initiatives carried out by the National Jordanian Campaign Against the Israel-Jordan Gas Deal, marking the first anniversary of the ratification of the deal.

In the meantime, Jordanian lawmakers said the gas deal has made it to the Parliamentary Energy Committee and is scheduled to be discussed in the next parliamentary session, according to local media reports.

MP Saleh Armouty said the committee would do all in its power to cancel the deal, which he described as “shameful,” saying that the deal is only to the benefit of the Israeli regime.