Kurds Paying Price of Kurdistan Leaders’ Provocations: Kurdish Politician

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Politburo member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) called Iraqi Kurdistan leaders ‘unilateral’ and ‘provocative’ measures a big mistake, adding that Kurdish citizens are paying the price of the challenging move.

Hero Ibrahim Ahmed who is spouse of the PUK’s leader Jalal Talabani said in a statement released on Monday that “Powerful countries and international bodies like the US, UK, Russia, China, European Union, United Nations and the neighboring countries had called for cancellation of referendum at the present status (of the region) and suggested several offers but the Kurdistan leaders challenged the whole world by holding the referendum.”

She also criticized unilateral decision made by heads of Iraqi Kurdistan region parties for the establishment of 'Political Leadership of Kurdistan', noting that “Kurdistan Regional Government leaders have made a big mistake and we will never side with them.”

According to the local media, wife of former Iraqi president said she does not support the ‘Political Leadership of Kurdistan -Iraq’, describing its creation as a ‘big mistake’.

Saying that Kurdistan is “paying the price” for proceeding with the referendum in the face of widespread opposition, at home, region, and world.

She said that Kurdistan should be re-evaluating their situation “and doing an accurate and realistic assessment of this current situation.”

The establishment of the Political Leadership was announced on Sunday. The body emerged out of the High Referendum Council, which had overseen the referendum process and was disbanded on Sunday. The multi-party Council was headed by Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani.

Earlier in the day, Gorran (Movement for Change) party issued a statement calling for the abolition of the Political Leadership.

The Iraqi Kurdistan Region went ahead with its plan to hold the referendum for independent on September 25 while Iraq’s neighbors and countries in the Middle East, including Iran and Turkey, had voiced opposition to such a move and supported the Baghdad central government.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the only leader in the region to endorse the referendum, while all neighbors have warned that the secession plan would bring instability to the region and disintegrate Iraq.