Agility of Military Units Put to Test in Iranian Army’s Drill: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An ongoing war game staged by the Army Ground Force in west and northwest of Iran demonstrated that the military units have reached an ideal level of agility and mobility, a top commander said.

The Eqtedar (power) war game indicated that the Army Ground Force divisions have acquired such a high level of mobility that they could reach the operational zone from the furthermost corners of the country with full kit and equipment in less than 24 hours, General Nozar Nemati, lieutenant commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force said on Tuesday.

Describing the ongoing military drill as a strategic exercise underway in a strategic region at a critical time, the commander said the Army troops operate in full coordination with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces.

All Ground Force units have taken part in the drill, including the armored units, the artillery, drone squad, the airborne division, the electronic warfare division, and the rapid reaction forces, he added.

According to Army Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, the war game is aimed at evaluating the mobility and preparedness of the Iranian soldiers.

Last week, Iran’s Air Defense deployed additional missile equipment to the western areas to strengthen coverage of the border regions.

The dispatch of missiles coincided with the military drills that the Army and the IRGC staged along the country’s western border areas.