Iran Says Secessionist Moves in Iraq Threaten Regional Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami reiterated Iran’s strong opposition to any step that may jeopardize security of the region.

“Iran is opposed to any move that is against peace and stability,” Hatami said in a ceremony to introduce new deputy defense minister in Tehran on Tuesday.

“We will not allow any move against cooperation among regional countries.”

The minister said the Islamic Republic is opposed to disintegration of Iraq and any change in the country’s geographical borders, and underscored, “We regard the secessionist move in Iraq as detrimental to security of the region.”

Hatmi further stated that the Islamic Republic would spare no effort to maintain the territorial integrity and stability of regional countries and vowed to boost broad cooperation with Iraq to counter the ongoing destructive moves in the country.

The Iranian defense minister further reiterated that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategy is preserving peace, stability, calm, welfare and security for all regional countries.

He then called on all regional states to sincerely join hands for establishing and safeguarding peace and stability in the region.