Iranian President Stresses Closer Tehran-Athens Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the new Greek ambassador to Tehran discussed ways to promote bilateral relations between the Islamic Republic and the Southeastern European country in diverse fields.

In his meeting with Dimitri Alexandrakis in Tehran on Saturday, President Rouhani hailed Iran-Greece relations as historical, and said, “Tehran and Athens have very good potentials to develop relations in various fields.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to develop all-inclusive relations between Tehran and Athens,” he said.

Rouhani added that the two countries have many capacities in the fields of science, economy, culture, energy and transit that should be tapped to increase the level of cooperation in line with the interests of the two nations.

The new ambassador of Greece, for his part, described Iran and Greece as two ancient countries with rich civilizations and said his special mission is to deepen and strengthen relations between Tehran and Athens in diverse fields.

During the meeting, the Greek diplomat also submitted his letter of credence to the president.