Lebanese PM Resigns, Saying His Life in Danger

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri resigned on Saturday, saying in a televised broadcast he sensed a plot to target his life.

“We are living in a climate similar to the atmosphere that prevailed before the assassination of (his father the late prime minister) martyr Rafik al-Hariri. I have sensed what is being plotted covertly to target my life,” al-Hariri said, according to Reuters.

Hariri became Lebanon’s prime minister late last year after Michel Aoun came to office as the country’s president.

Hariri has visited Saudi Arabia twice in the past week, meeting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other senior officials.

Beirut-based al-Jadeed television reported Hariri’s resignation statement was made and broadcast from the Saudi capital Riyadh.