Yemen Set to Run Out of Fuel, Vaccine in A Month: UNICEF

TEHRAN(Tasnim) - Yemen’s stocks of fuel will last until the end of November and stocks of vaccines run out in one month if a Saudi-led military coalition does not allow aid into Hodeidah port and the Sana'a airport, UNICEF’s representative in the country said Friday.

Meritxell Relano, speaking by phone to reporters in Geneva, said fuel prices had risen 60 percent because of the shortage and there were urgent concerns about a diphtheria outbreak, as well as food shortages because of the port closure, Reuters reported.

The Saudi-led military coalition, launching a brutal aggression against Yemen since March 2015, said on Monday it had closed all air, land and sea ports to the Arab impoverished country, claiming the move was in response to a missile attack at Riyadh airport by Yemeni Army and Revolutionary allies.

The restricted blockade is likely to worsen a humanitarian crisis in Yemen that according to the United Nations has pushed some seven million people to the brink of famine and left nearly 900,000 infected with cholera.