Iraq's Kurdistan Says to Respect Court Decision Banning Secession

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi Kurdish authorities said on Tuesday they would accept a court decision prohibiting the region from seceding, signaling a new phase in efforts to restart stalled negotiations over its future.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said on Tuesday it would respect the Nov. 6 ruling by the Supreme Federal Court, which declared that no Iraqi province could secede.

“We believe that this decision must become a basis for starting an inclusive national dialogue between (Kurdish authorities in) Erbil and Baghdad to resolve all disputes,” the KRG said in a statement, Reuters reported.

The court ruling came in response to a request from the central government in Baghdad to end any “wrong misinterpretation” of the Iraqi constitution and assert the country’s unity.

It followed a controversial referendum on the secession of the Kurdish region, which was held on September 25 in defiance of strong objection from Baghdad and Iraq’s neighbors, particularly Iran and Turkey.

The plebiscite sparked tensions between the KRG and Baghdad, with the Iraqi army conducting a military campaign to retake the areas overrun by the Kurdish militants in the course of the fight with the Daesh terrorist group.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had previously called on the Kurdish region to honor the court ruling.