Speaker Highlights Iran, Turkey’s Role in Regional Peace

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani hailed the effectual cooperation between Tehran and Ankara in finding a political solution to the Syria crisis and in supporting Iraq’s sovereignty amid a Kurdish secession referendum, calling for continued partnership in the war on terrorism.

In a meeting with his Turkish counterpart on Tuesday, the Iranian Parliament speaker said Tehran and Ankara behaved responsibly after the trans-regional countries created Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in Syria.

Pointing to the positive outcome of several rounds of Syria peace negotiations in Astana, Larijani said the cooperation between Iran and Turkey has also helped protect Iraq’s territorial integrity after an independence referendum in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

Given the fact that terrorism still prevails in the region, Iran and Turkey need to keep working together, Larijani added.

For his part, Speaker of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly Ismail Kahraman underlined the significance that Ankara attaches to consultation with Tehran.

Iran and Turkey are facing mutual threats, he noted, calling for a policy to secure the territorial integrity and liberty of the regional states.

Iran and Turkey, together with Russia, have brokered a series of political talks for peace in Syria.

The two neighbors have also stepped up efforts in recent years to boost economic ties.

In October, Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan paid an official visit to Iran to attend the fourth round of strategic meetings and to discuss the latest regional developments and the status of bilateral ties with Iranian officials.