IRGC: Palestinian Intifada to Eliminate Zionism Soon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) condemned the US president’s “cheap and stupid” move to recognize the city of al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of the Zionist regime, saying the Palestinian Intifada (uprising) would soon wipe out Israel.

In a statement released on Thursday night, the IRGC said Donald Trump’s silly measure to declare al-Quds the capital of Israel will cause revenge against the “usurpers of the oppressed Palestine.”

The full text of the statement comes as follows, according to IFP news

The cheap and foolish move of the US president to recognize Jerusalem (al-Quds) as the capital of the fake and child-killing regime of Zionists amounts to a great sedition designed against the Islamic Ummah with the aim of violating the rights of Palestinians. Now the Islamic world and other freedom and truth-seeking societies are duty-bound to thwart the nasty and satanic plots of the enemies through adopting decisive and prudent stances.

It goes without saying that the filthy attempt by the US president will not only fail to translate into reality the dreams of the White House officials and the International Zionism, it will also make the anti-Zionist resistance front further determined to achieve the cause of liberating the holy Quds and set in fire the occupiers of Palestine by its burning revenge.

The IRGC invites Iranians from all walks of life to participate in large numbers in the nation-wide rallies against the US and the Zionism on Friday following noon prayers.

The Palestinian Intifada will continue in the new phase with a higher speed with the all-out support of the Islamic Ummah and the world’s anti-arrogance and freedom-seekers individuals. The intifada will unveil the scandalous face of the Great Satan’s strategies and policies in the region. With the divine blessing of the great lord, it will also put an immediate end to the criminal regime of Zionists and remove the cancerous tumor of the Zionism from the body of the Islamic world.