Iranian General: US, Israel Accountable for Embassy Move Consequences

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The responsibility for any escalation of tensions in Palestine in the wake of the US president’s move to recognize al-Quds as the capital of Israel lies with the US and the Zionist regime, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri warned.

In a statement on Thursday, the top Iranian general condemned US President Donald Trump’s unwise move to declare al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of the Zionist regime, saying it flagrantly violates the rights of Palestinians and the international resolutions.

“The responsibility for any tension and clash (in Palestine) lies with the US and the Zionist regime,” he warned, saying Trump’s measure reflects the failure of US policies in the region.

He also called for concerted action by the Islamic world leaders to counter the new plot that the US and Israel have hatched against Palestine, saying, “We believe that basically there exists no Israel that one could declare or replace a capital for it.”

The senior general also reminded the Islamic and Arab governments of the historical test they are facing, whether to remain silent or raise voices against the Zionist regime of Israel.

The remarks came after Trump officially declared the disputed city of al-Quds Israel's capital, despite warnings from around the world that the measure risks triggering a fresh wave of violence in the Middle East.

In a speech at the White House on Wednesday, Trump said his administration would also begin a years-long process of moving the American embassy in Tel Aviv to the holy city.

The announcement was a major shift by Washington that overturns decades of US foreign policy.

Palestinian leaders had previously warned the move would threaten a two-state solution.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since the 1967 Middle East war. It annexed the area in 1980 and sees it as its exclusive domain. Under international law, the area is considered to be occupied territory.