East Asians Decry Trump's Al-Quds Plan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Several thousand protesters in Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia rallied on Friday to condemn the US decision to recognize the city of al-Quds (Jerusalem) as Israel’s capital, as authorities tightened security outside US embassies.

Leaders in both Southeast Asian countries have joined a global chorus of condemnation of US President Donald Trump’s decision.

Protesters, shouting anti-US slogans and burning an effigy of Trump, gathered in front of the American embassy in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur.

In Indonesia, hundreds of demonstrators, mostly clad in white, rallied outside the US embassy in Jakarta, capital of the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country, Reuters reported.

Water cannons were on standby at the site, but the rally was peaceful.

Meanwhile, a group of students rallied in the city of Makassar on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island and set fire to US and Israeli flags, media reported.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Thursday called on Muslims worldwide to strongly oppose any recognition of al-Quds as Israel’s capital.

In Kuala Lumpur, leaders from the ruling party United Malay National Organization and the right-wing Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, both of which represent majority, ethnic-Malay Muslims, led Friday’s rally of several thousand people.

Similar rallies are expected in South Asia.

Pakistan’s major Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami, has announced plans for protests in all major cities after Friday prayers.

Trump said on Wednesday the United States would move its embassy to al-Quds in the coming years.

Protests have erupted in the West Bank and the Gaza strip as the Palestinian group Hamas urged Palestinians to launch a fresh Intifada (uprising) against Israel.