Poll Shows Vast Majority of Russians Approve of Putin’s Performance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - More than 82% of Russians approve of President Vladimir Putin’s performance, according to a survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center and published on its website.

"The president’s approval rating has soared past 80% during the year and stands at 82.4% according to latest data (November 27 - December 3)," the report says, TASS news agency reported.

According to the poll, the accomplishments of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the cabinet of ministers were backed by 54% and 58.8% of respondents respectively. Following October’s slight drop, the monthly approval ratings for the State Duma and the Federation Council inched up (51.2% and 56.3%, correspondingly.)

The Russian Public Opinion Research Center questions 600 respondents daily in at least 80 Russian regions. The results show the poll’s seven-day average from a random national sample of 4,200 respondents. The margin of sampling error for the results among the random sample is not more than 1.9%.