Number of Palestinian Minors in Israeli Jails on Rise amid Anti-Trump Protests: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The number of Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons has seen a dramatic rise over the past three weeks, Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies said in a new report.

According to the center’s spokesman, Riyad al-Ashqar, the number of kids in Israeli custody went up 17 percent in less than a month after at least 350 children were detained amid the ongoing protests against US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the Israeli capital, the Palestinian Information Center reported.

Most of the arrests were made in Quds, he added, warning the Zionist regime of Israel of the consequences of targeting Palestinian children and subjecting them to extrajudicial killing, arrest, and torture.

Israelis regularly interrogate Palestinian children in the absence of a parent, hence infringing upon international laws that demand special protection for detained kids, the rights group added.

More than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners are currently held in some 17 Israeli jails, dozens of whom are serving multiple life sentences.

Over 500 detainees are under the so-called administrative detention, which is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Israel to incarcerate Palestinians for up to six months.