Syrian Troops Recapture Territories near Idlib

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – The Syrian army liberated three villages near the northwestern city of Idlib in the war against remnants of Takfiri terrorist groups in the Arab country.

In an operation on Tuesday, the Syrian army, backed by allied forces, liberated three villages in the southeastern suburbs of Idlib in a battle against the Nusra Front terrorists.

The assault was part of a military campaign in eastern Hama province in a push toward Idlib in northwestern Syria. A main purpose of the operation is to capture the strategic Abu Dhuhour military airbase, as different units from the Syrian army are pushing from various directions.

Elsewhere in the northeastern suburbs of Damascus, fierce clashes between the army and terrorist groups are in progress in Harasta, which lies between the capital and Duma.

Sources told Tasnim that the Syrian military forces have killed at least 40 terrorists and captured a number of others in Harasta, predicting that the army would break the siege and flush all militants out of the town very soon.

Idlib has been a haven for tens of thousands of rebels and civilians who were forced to abandon their homes in other parts of western Syria that the government and its foreign military allies have recaptured from terrorists.

Syria is in the final stages of a battle against Takfiri terrorist groups, which poured into the Arab country after the outbreak of the civil war in 2011.

On November 19, the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group was flushed out of its last stronghold in Syria’s Al-Bukamal. The city’s liberation marked an end to the group’s self-proclaimed caliphate it had declared in 2014.