Iran’s Army Chief Raps US Support for Rioters

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – It was not surprising to see the enemies support the recent unrest in Iran, commander of the Iranian Army said about the US president’s backing for rioters, stressing that hostile plots against Iran are all doomed to failure.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Monday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said it has become ordinary for the US to adopt hostile stances against the Islamic Republic.

The enemies resort to everything to infiltrate into Iran and show hostility, the commander warned.

The top general also stressed that the adversaries will continue to suffer defeats in confrontation with Iran as before.

It came after US President Donald Trump’s overt support for violent riots in Iran and his insulting comments about the Iranian people.

In late December, peaceful protests over economic problems broke out in a number of Iranian cities, but the gatherings turned violent when groups of participants, some of them armed, vandalized public property and launched attacks on police stations and government buildings.

Following the unrest, people held several demonstrations across the country to condemn the violent riots and acts of vandalism, and voice support for the Islamic Republic’s Establishment.

In remarks following the protests, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani criticized Trump for his remarks about the unrest in Iran, saying the US president "has forgotten that he had called the Iranian nation 'terrorists' a few months ago."

“The guy who is totally against the Iranian nation has no right to sympathize with Iranians,” Rouhani said on January 1.