Indonesia Reiterates Support for JCPOA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Indonesian Ambassador to Iran Octavino Alimudin said Jakarta once again threw its weight behind the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.

“Indonesia is loud and clear in its support for the JCPOA and its implementation,” Alimudin told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

It came following the latest threat by US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“President Trump should also see the reality that even the United Nations, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency, consider that Iran has fulfilled its commitments.”

The JCPOA, the ambassador said, had been instrumental in improving trade relations between Iran and Indonesia. “We have made some achievements, for example, we resumed our LPG imports from Iran, which was not possible during the embargo,” he said.

Last week, Trump extended waivers of economic sanctions on Iran for another 120 days but said he was doing so “for the last time.”

Although the US president declined to withdraw from the Iran deal, which he has long railed against and formerly promised to “rip up”, he gave a four-month deadline to the US Congress and America’s main European allies to address what he called the “disastrous flaws” of the deal.

In response, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif condemned Trump’s reluctant announcement on the nuclear sanctions waiver, saying, “Trump's policy & today’s announcement amount to desperate attempts to undermine a solid multilateral agreement, maliciously violating its paras 26, 28 & 29."

He further stressed that the deal is “not renegotiable” and urged Trump to, instead of repeating tired rhetoric, bring the US into full compliance of the deal, just like Iran.