Iraqi Analyst: Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei to Open New Horizons to Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Senior Iraqi analyst said the letter of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei indicates that Palestinians are now vigilant and the move will open new horizons to them by promoting ties with Tehran.

In his letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, Haniyeh briefed the Leader about the realities on the ground in Palestine, Head of South Iraq Study Center Ali Ramazan al-Ausi told Tasnim.

“Iran has never stopped support for the Resistance (front) and is still supporting it,” al-Ausi said, adding that  the Palestinians’ vigilance will reinforce the resistance and will open new horizons to them.

Commenting on US recognition of Jerusalem (al-Quds) as capital of Israel, he described the move as ‘immature’ and ‘adventurous’.

He said that history will draw the future of Palestine, noting that the realities on the ground will shape the al-Quds (Jerusalem)’s future.

The Iraqi analyst called for the Islamic and Arab countries as well as the UN Security Council member states’ “decisive stance” towards the measures adopted by the US President Donald Trump.

In his recent letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, the chairman of Hamas Political Bureau praised the Iranian nation and leadership for supporting Palestine and the anti-Israeli axis of resistance.

Haniyeh pointed to a major plot that the arrogant powers have hatched against Quds and the Palestinian nation with the purpose of wiping out the Gaza Strip as the bastion of resistance, ending the fight against the Zionist regime, and normalizing the relations between Israel and the dependent rulers of regional countries.

He also praised the popular Intifada in the West Bank and the city of Quds as a phenomenon foiling the plots by the US and the “rulers of hypocrisy” who seek to terminate the issue of Palestine.

The letter came as Trump officially declared Quds as the capital of Israel, despite warnings from around the world that the measure risks triggering a fresh wave of violence in the Middle East.

In a speech at the White House on December 6, Trump said his administration would also begin a years-long process of moving the American embassy in Tel Aviv to the holy city.

The announcement was a major shift by Washington that overturns decades of US foreign policy.

Palestinian leaders had previously warned the move would threaten a two-state solution.

Israel has occupied East Quds since the 1967 Middle East war. It annexed the area in 1980 and sees it as its exclusive domain. Under international law, the area is considered to be occupied territory.