Al Khalifa Ruling against Sheikh Qassim Obstructs Political Solutions: Bahraini Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Bahraini analyst said the Al Khalifa regime’s appeals court move to uphold rulings against Sheikh Isa Qassim, the spiritual leader of the Persian Gulf country’s Shiite majority, obstructed the political resolution of the crisis in Bahrain.

Speaking to Tasnim, Abbas Busafwan said upholding the rulings against Sheikh Isa Qassim came in spite of top Bahraini cleric Ayatollah Sayed Abdullah Al-Gharifi’s call for national reconciliation in the country.

Ayatollah Gharifi had called for an end to the regime’s current security approach and release of detainees to pave the way for political dialogue between the government and the opposition in Bahrain, he added.

The Bahraini political analyst stressed that the appeals court’s verdict virtually blocked the way for political solution of the crisis and proved that the ruling regime favors a security approach.

It also has a message for all Bahraini activists that they will be keep persecuting them and depriving the country’s Shiites of their rights, he added.

“The Al-Khalifa regime has taken the wrong path,” Busafwan said, stressing that it will never be able to break the Bahraini people’s resolve through such an approach.