Iran Backs Results of Free Elections in Iraq: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi voiced Tehran’s support for Iraq’s upcoming parliamentary vote due to be held later in May and said the Islamic Republic backs the results of free elections in the Arab country.

In a speech addressing a ceremony to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Baghdad on Sunday evening, Masjedi expounded on Iran’s policies on the latest developments in the region and the world as well as Iraq.

He further hailed the collapse of Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group in Iraq and said Iran, as sided with the people of the country in the war on terrorism, would continue its support for the Iraqi people and government in the post-Daesh era and “the stage of construction”.

Iran declares its support for democracy and free elections in Iraq, the diplomat said, adding that Tehran backs the results of the popular votes in the Arab country.

Iraq’s parliament has recently approved May 12 as the date for holding national elections despite calls to delay the vote until the return of nearly 3 million people displaced by the fight against Daesh.

The over three-year-old fight against Daesh has left most of the areas in northern and western Iraq in ruins, and poor public services have exacerbated the situation.

The elections will be the fourth since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.