Polish Official: Germany Owes Poland $850 Billion for WWII

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A Polish official says Germany could owe his country $850 billion (690 billion euros) for the damage it inflicted during World War II.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk is leading a team that is assessing potential reparations to Poland. Germany killed 6 million Polish citizens during its nearly six-year occupation of Poland, AP reported.

Mularczyk said Friday on Polsat News: "We are talking about very large, but justified amounts of compensation for war crimes, for destroyed cities, villages and the lost demographic potential of our country."

Last year, Poland's ruling nationalist ruling Law and Justice Party said it deserves compensation for its losses and set up a team under Mularczyk's leadership to estimate how much is due.

Germany has repeatedly said there is no legal basis for Poland's reparation claims.