Cleric Slams Al Khalifa Regime's Crackdown on Political Dissidents

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami voiced concern at the ruling Al Khalifa regime's crackdown and attacks against political dissidents in Bahrain, noting that the Persian Gulf littoral country has turned into a jail for its people.

“We are concerned about the people of Bahrain as (the ruling Al Khalifa regime) has turned the country into a big prison,” Ayatollah Khatami said, addressing a huge gathering of worshipers in Tehran on Friday.

He expressed the hope that the Bahraini people will one day “breathe a sigh of relief” and live in peace.

Bahrain, a close ally of the US in the Persian Gulf, has been witnessing regular protests against the Al Khalifa regime since early 2011, with security forces resorting to crackdown against demonstrators.

Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds of others injured and arrested in the protests.

Elsewhere in his address, Ayatollah Khatami slammed the Saudi regime’s relentless military aggression against Yemen, noting that the impoverished Arab country is suffering from lack of food and medicine as Riyadh’s military warplanes continue to pound humanitarian aid convoys.

Yemen’s defenseless people have been under massive attacks by the coalition for almost three years but Riyadh has reached none of its objectives in Yemen so far.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out deadly airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Over 14,000 Yemenis, including thousands of women and children, have lost their lives in the deadly military campaign.