Iran Offers Help for Iraq’s Reconstruction

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri assured Baghdad of Tehran’s support in the reconstruction of the Arab country in the same way that it helped the Iraqi nation fight against terrorism.

"In the fight against Daesh (ISIL), we showed that Iran was inseparable from Iraq and now that Iraq's reconstruction is on the agenda, we are ready to assist the Iraqi government and nation because we view Iraq's security and prosperity as Iran's own security and prosperity," Press TV quoted Jahangiri as saying in a meeting with Iraqi President Fuad Masum in Baghdad on Thursday.

Jahangiri also hailed growing ties between Iran and Iraq, saying the bilateral relations between the two Muslim neighbors have reached the highest possible level and could serve as an example for the other regional countries.

He also called for unity among all Iraqi ethnic, religious and political groups under the Iraqi Constitution, describing national unity as the key to victory.

The vice president also stressed the need for efforts to enhance economic ties and raise the value of trade exchange between Iran and Iraq.

For his part, the Iraqi president lauded Iran for its supports for the Arab country in the fight against terrorism, expressing the hope that mutual cooperation would cover reconstruction plans in Iraq as well.

"Baghdad welcomes Iranian investment in Iraq's economic projects and wants Iran's private sector to take on a more serious role in this regard," Masoum noted.

During his stay in Baghdad, Jahangiri also met with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri and Iraqi Islamic Party Secretary General Ayad al-Samarrai.

Iran, a close ally of Iraq, supported the Arab nation in the fight against Daesh (ISIL) since the terrorist group invaded Iraq in summer 2014.

In January, in a meeting with Jabouri in Tehran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for stronger banking relations with Iraq to allow for a growth in the bilateral trade and economic cooperation.