Iran’s Velayati in Syria for Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Ali Akbar Velayati, a former Iranian foreign minister and an international adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, arrived in Syria on Tuesday for talks with the Arab country’s top officials to coordinate efforts in the fight against terrorism.

Apart from meetings with Syria’s president and prime minister, Velayati is going to attend a conference on Islamic unity during his stay in Damascus.

The Iranian official has traveled to Syria at the invitation of the Arab country’s government for a series of talks and political coordination in the war against Takfiri terrorist groups.

Velayati, who also heads the Founding Council and Board of Trustees of the Islamic Azad University -a major private university with hundreds of branches in Iran and abroad- is going to weigh plans to open new branches of the university in Syria’s cities.

Iran has remained an ally of Syria in the war against foreign-backed militancy since the start of civil war in the Arab country in 2011.

Iran’s timely support for both Syria and Iraq was instrumental in the two Arab countries’ victory over Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) and ending the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed caliphate in late 2017.