Iranian Parliament Condemns US-Led Attack on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s lawmakers condemned Saturday’s missile attack on Syria by the US, the UK, and France and reiterated Tehran’s continued support for Damascus.

“The US, as the global axis of evil with the complicity of Britain and France, demonstrated the culmination of its enmity toward the Islamic Ummah (community) by its massive missile attack against the Muslim country of Syria,” Iranian MPs said in a joint statement read out during an open session of the parliament on Sunday.

“While condemning the brutal crime of the US, Britain and France, we, the representatives of the great nation of Iran, voice our strong support for Syria as the front line of the resistance,” the statement read.

“We are confident that the United States will fail in this new ambition as it has failed over the last seven years,” the lawmakers said.

They added that the Syrian people and government would definitely overcome the “hard confrontation” through their historical resistance and would reach a sustainable security.

The United States and European allies launched airstrikes on Saturday against Syrian research, storage and military targets under the pretext of a suspected chemical attack near Damascus last weekend that killed more than 40 people.

Britain and France joined the United States in the strikes in a coordinated operation that was intended to show Western resolve in the face of what the leaders of the three nations called persistent violations of international law.

Trump characterized it as the beginning of a sustained effort to force Assad to “stop using banned weapons”, but only ordered a limited, one-night operation that hit three targets.

“These are not the actions of a man,” Trump said of last weekend’s attack in a televised address from the White House Diplomatic Room. “They are crimes of a monster instead.”

Shortly after the attack, the Syrian presidency posted on Twitter, “Honorable souls cannot be humiliated.”

Within 90 minutes, the Russian ambassador to the US warned of “consequences” for the allied attacks.