US-Led Coalition Aerial Attacks Kill 11 Civilians in Syria’s Hasakah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – At least eleven civilians were killed when the US-led coalition purportedly fighting Takfiri terrorists carried out a series of aerial assaults in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah.

According to the Lebanese Arabic-language online newspaper el-Nashra, the US-led aerial attacks targeted al-Abo Hamda village located in the southern city of al Shaddadi in Hasakah.

At least 11 civilians lost their lives during the raids, the report added. 

The development came after the US, Britain and France recently launched a barrage of missile attacks against Syria in response to what they claim to be a chemical attack by Damascus in Douma. Syria has rejected any role in the suspected gas attack.

Over the past few months, Syrian forces have made sweeping gains against Takfiri terrorists who have lately increased their acts of violence across the country following a series of defeats on the ground.

On Saturday, Syrian soldiers entered the town of Douma for clean-up operations days after they fully retook the entire suburban area near Damascus from foreign-backed militants.

Douma was the last militant stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta region, which for years served as a launch pad for deadly terror attacks against civilians in the Syrian capital.

The Douma liberation came after the withdrawal of the members of the so-called Jaish al-Islam terrorist group under a Russia-mediated agreement with the government.