Iran FM: Influential Figures Reminded of How JCPOA Exit Could Affect US Image

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s foreign minister said he has reminded several influential American figures during his recent trip to New York about the damaging impacts that the Trump administration’s exit from the 2015 nuclear deal could have on US international image.

In an interview with ICANA, Mohammad Javad Zarif said he met various people from outside the Trump administration during his visit to New York for a United Nations meeting, noting that those individuals, including former officials engaged in the nuclear negotiations and known as political elites and decision-makers, have been reminded of the realities on the implementation of the nuclear deal.

He added that the meetings with people from the US Democratic and Republican parties as well as the media and study centers revolved around the negative effects of the Trump administration’s behavior on the United States’ international image.

“American political elites should indeed receive and convey these statements, thus the talks were held in an extensive manner,” Zarif said.

Asked about former US secretary of state John Kerry and his influence, Zarif said all influential American figures could affect the process of decision making.

The US does not consist only of a ruling administration in Washington, DC, but a combination of public opinion, lobbies and the pressure and studies groups that form the political processes, he explained.

The top Iranian diplomat went on to reiterate that a US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will result in US isolation.

US President Donald Trump in January set a 120-day deadline for US lawmakers and European allies to “fix” his predecessor Barack Obama's main foreign policy achievement or face a US exit.

Since the nuclear deal was signed in Vienna in July 2015, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly confirmed Iran’s compliance with its commitments under the JCPOA.

On Sunday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the US will face a “historic regret” should it decide to withdraw from the JCPOA, the nuclear agreement between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).