Trump Epitome of Fomenting Chaos, Violence in World: Iran’s Shamkhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said US President Donald Trump, by violating the JCPOA and denying Palestinian people’s rights, has turned into a symbol of spreading chaos and violence at the international level.

“Trump, by making strategic mistakes such as supporting terrorism, violating the JCPOA and international treaties, and also trampling over the rights of the Palestinian people, has turned into the epitome of favoring chaos and spreading violence at the international level,” Shamkhani said on Monday.

He further condemned the US decision to relocate its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (al-Quds) as an “illegitimate” move, saying, “The first outcome of this catastrophic move would be more solidarity and unity among Muslims”.

He added that the relocation of the embassy would also expedite the collapse of the Zionist regime.

In a speech from the White House on May 8, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear deal achieved in Vienna in 2015 after around two years of negotiations.

In another controversial move that has drawn worldwide criticism and protests, the Trump’s administration is planned to relocate the US embassy to the holy city of Quds.