Iran Blasts Massacre of Palestinians by Israeli Regime

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif strongly condemned the latest Israeli move to massacre Palestinian protesters demanding their right to return to their motherland.

Israeli troops on Monday opened fire at Palestinian protesters who have gathered near a Gaza fence as part of a six-week demonstration coinciding with the inauguration of US embassy in Jerusalem (al-Quds).

According to Gaza health officials, at least 55 Palestinians have been shot dead and over 2500 have been wounded by Israeli forces.

Deploring the Israeli repressive approach to peaceful protests, Zarif said in his twitter account on Monday, “Israeli regime massacres countless Palestinians in cold blood as they protest in world's largest open air prison. Meanwhile, Trump celebrates move of U.S. illegal embassy and his Arab collaborators move to divert attention. A day of great shame.”

The United States officially opened its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem (al-Quds) on Monday, despite warnings from around the world that the measure risks triggering a fresh wave of violence in the Middle East.